Artists’ books workshop weekend.

Well it was a long weekend actually, as this was a three day course, at Ineke Berlyn’s barn studio. Accompanied by lovely weather and food, and a great venue, the latter two comforts elegantly supplied by Ineke and John, much was accomplished. Each student worked independently, using their own visual resources, to create pages for an artist’s book using textile techniques; collage, appliqué, and stitch, as well as the painting and printing of fabrics and papers related to their theme.

Simple binding of the finished work was considered, using my books and Japanese book binding techniques as examples.The group of students, some of whom I know well, and some who had travelled a fair distance to come on the course, were brilliant to work with and produced a lot of work; working in a book format does change your thinking and ideally one page idea flows into another, so it is a continual creative process. It’s hard work, but everyone succeeded, making a lot of considered and exciting work, and as usual in many ways being as much the teachers as the students. I hope they all enjoyed it as much as I did.


This is Tina who chose alliums as her theme.


And here’s Sue, looking very serious as she contemplates her page based on dandelions.


Hazel worked with a woodland and garden seasonal theme.


Stephanie chose a botanical theme too as a challenge to herself, as she usually works with more industrial images.


Lya is making a book based upon the travels of a scarlet ibis.


Penny’s work involved her drawings of insects, which she had made into thermofax screens, which she then printed onto richly coloured fabric using metallic dyes.


Tina’s book is based upon the coast and made use of a wide range of media.


Janet was working on a book about a piece of woodland through the seasons, which is in danger of being destroyed by the HS2 railway.

7 thoughts on “Artists’ books workshop weekend.

    1. Hello Meta
      Fun to read your comment! It was a very nice workshop, I’ve learned a lot and not only about birds ;<)

  1. Hello Stephanie, what great work by everyone, obviously three highly productive and fun days. It sounds a lovely venue.

    1. Thanks Anna. It is a lovely place, people are able to relax and concentrate on their work in great surroundings. If you ever wanted to go on a course Ineke does B & B too.

  2. I note they all look really contented with what’s in front of them and engrossed in what they are doing. It must be a really creative space to engender such beautiful work – although onviously the tutor had something to do with it too!

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